After Huawei launched a tablet that borrows some design elements from the HTC One, here’s a slate that slightly mimics the concept of putting the physical buttons at the back, started by the LG G2. This model is the Chuwi V88, that also sports a pretty decent quad core Rockchip chipset.


The design is your typical iPad Mini age format, with a 4:3 aspect and a back and front camera. The resolution is quite good, at 2048 x 1536 pixels and we also get 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of storage. The processor inside relies on the Cortex A17 architecture, that apparently offers twice the performance of the Cortex A9, that was a very popular solution on tablets over the past 2 years or so.

Just to make things clear, the Chuwi V88 is a 7.9 inch tablet, with a slightly rounded back and I would be very curious to see how the back buttons work in real life. Its waistline looks really small as well, maybe one of the reasons for placing those buttons on the back. Of course, one may argue that since they’re so close to the sides, they’re actually on the side…