There has been a series of rumors going round lately, saying that the Android boss Andy Rubin is packing his bags and leaving Google. Apparently he wants to be the boss of a fresh startup and leave Android behind. The info was published on Google+ by Robert Scoble, famous rumormonger and tech personality.

Meanwhile, Andy Rubin published the response you see above on Twitter, dismissing all claims about his departure. He was also keen on reminding everyone that Google reached 900k devices activated per day. Andy Rubin was one of the instrumental men in the foundation of Android, he was the actual man who founded this idea and a company that was bought by Google in 2005. Using the search engine giant’s resources he took the platform and made it number one in the smartphone market.

Rumored to depart from Google in order to lead the startup CloudCar, Rubin explained that this is actually the company of some of his friends. They received office space in the Los Altos startup incubator and that’s it. As far as the 900k activations go, the number is impressive if you look back at the end of 2011, when the activations reached 700k, so the jump is impressive. With the recent wave of Android 4.0 cheap tablets from Asia, it’s no wonder…