Samsung Galaxy View has been teased at IFA 2015, when Samsung debuted its last smartwatch and we’ve been wondering since then what this slate will bring. Rumors talked about a big diagonal and a penchant for video consumption, but today we’ve hit the motherload, as Sammobile scored some very nice renders of the product.


They published exclusive shots of the 18.4 inch tablet in all its massive glory. Galaxy View seems to be quite good looking, with its case having a Formula 1 carbon fiber vibe and a dock with carrying handle also being included in the package. The Home button is missing and the TouchWiz UI seems unchanged since our last contact with it. The device also comes with on screen navigation buttons and an interesting dock.


The dock folds out at the back and has the above mentioned handle. Bezels are quite big and there’s also what seems to be a “tent” setup of the slate in the last picture. We expect some serious TV shows and video services bundled with the product and subscriptions to a variety of content sources. Will this be the ultimate TV show binge machine?


